What is Third Baptist Student Ministry?
Simply put, TBC YOUTH MINISTRY is Third Baptist's efforts to help each & every young person grow personally & spiritually.

  • a means for both junior high and high school students to grow as individuals while exploring ideas, values, and faith within the context of a supportive community of peers and adults.
  • a church-wide ministry which strives to provide a variety of opportunities and experiences to draw teens into active, responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the faith community and the church.
  • designed to help spiritually train and equip teens in a fun and Godly atmosphere to the Glory of God.
  • a ministry that works to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person and seeks to draw young people into responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the faith community.
  • a ministry that seeks to help youth share their gifts, grow in life skills, develop a positive self-image, overcome prejudices, develop respect for differences, serve those in need, and foster social change, develop a personal spirituality and prayer life, apply Christian faith to daily life, integrate Christian values, participate in the Church, and develop a personal relationship with Jesus.
  •  fun, faith, and friends, usually with a little food added to keep our engines going!