Hey everybody!

Last night we talked about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We read from 1 Corinthians 15 and Matthew 27 and 28. First we looked at what would happen if Christ had not risen and where we would be and how there would never be any hope for us and everything would have been a false story, a dream, but as we talked about and as the Bible declares and as we believe Christ did in fact conquer the grave. Christ did rise three days after He died and we looked at the evidence of His resurrection, the proof that what we believe is true and real. We saw how over 500 hundred of His followers, all of His apostles, the women who went to the tomb, and how even his enemies knew that He had in fact rose from the dead. We looked at all of these eyewitnesses who saw Jesus walking among them and spoke to them after He had died. It's amazing how Jesus' enemies remembered He would rise and put guards at the tomb but none of Jesus' followers, none of His closest friends remembered what Jesus had been telling them all along. We read how all of His friends and followers deserted Him after He was arrested and denied Him. Our challenge this week is to believe in His resurrection and to live a life that believes in what Christ did, a life that overcomes and